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Looking at the importance of nurturing your patients’ roots to prevent hair loss

Hayley Handy

As per NHS statistics, eight million women in the UK experience various forms of temporary or permanent hair loss.

Hair loss can be caused by many reasons including hereditary factors, poor diet, hormone changes and certain medications. During the pandemic, Dr Munir Somji noticed even more demand for hair stimulation and hair restoration treatments. “I think the normalisation of social interaction via selfies, Zoom calls and FaceTime has led patients to be more aware of thinning scalps and driven them to seek expert advice and help,” he says. “I have also seen a surge in hair transplant surgeries, as ladies want to address weak and poor hair follicle health due to over usage of hair extensions and hair products.

“Unfortunately, a lot of Covid-19 patients experience hair shedding post-recovery and many patients have reported that they are experiencing more hair shedding than normal, which we feel may be due to increased stress levels (cortisol levels) during this period.”

Alopecia is an umbrella term for conditions characterised by hair loss. It is not contagious, though sometimes it can be a sign of other health problems. Alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease, is one of the more common types of alopecia. Not all of them are related to an unusual immune system response, though. Some types of alopecia are related to genetic, lifestyle, or environmental factors, as well as psychological conditions that lead to hair pulling. Treatments for many types of alopecia are the same and may involve oral medications and topical therapies. For some alopecia types, behavioural changes are needed to reverse hair loss.

Densely populated with hair follicles, the scalp serves as the fertile ground for hair growth. It is within these hair follicles rooted in the scalp that our hair finds its origin. A nourished and healthy scalp creates an optimal setting for hair growth, encouraging robust, lively, and luxuriant hair strands.

Numerous factors influence the condition of the scalp, directly impacting hair growth. A compromised scalp can lead to issues such as dandruff, dryness, excessive oil production, inflammation, and infections, acting as obstacles to proper hair growth, resulting in hair thinning, breakage, and loss.

Internal and external elements, including hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, stress, environmental pollutants, inadequate hair care routines, and medications, can affect the wellbeing of the scalp. Beyond mere aesthetics, an unhealthy scalp can cause psychological distress, influencing an individual’s confidence and mental well-being. Therefore, scalp care is not only a matter of aesthetics, but should be considered an essential component of overall health and self-assurance in the medical context.


Proper care for the scalp is crucial for maintaining its health and promoting optimal hair growth. Hair expert Hayley Handy has some practical tips and remedies to nurture your patient’s scalp:

1. Cleansing Frequency

Regular and gentle cleansing is key. Recommend a pH-balanced shampoo suitable for your patient’s hair and scalp type. This could mean using a treatment shampoo if they suffer from an itchy and flaky scalp. Infrequent washing can lead to oil build-up, causing issues including itchiness and smelly hair. The hype on social media encouraging others to wash their hair as little as possible is not

advice I would give to my patients. Your scalp is an extension of your face, and you wash your face twice a day, so why neglect your scalp. A dirty scalp is the perfect environment for bacteria to thrive. There is, of course, always an exception to the rule so if your patient is raving about how she washes her hair once a month and it’s the best it’s EVER been, good for her, she’s one of those rare few. Strike a balance that works for you – typically, washing two to three times a week is recommended, more frequently if you have scalp conditions.

2. Scalp-Friendly Products

If your patient is washing their hair regularly enough, they have a wider range of products available to use as their hair will be getting cleansed every time they wash their hair. These could be products recommended by their stylist to look after their expensive salon colour which focuses on the hair that has already left your scalp. These could be products designed to look after dry and damaged hair alongside treatments to nourish hair and keep it in its best condition. Even then, I always recommend my clients to use a clarifying shampoo once a week to ensure a healthy scalp and to remove pollutants from the hair which can cause dry out and dull hair over time.

If they tend to space out their hair washes, it’s essential to select hair care products that specifically promote scalp health and deeply cleanse to remove accumulated oil and debris. Look for ingredients such as tea tree oil, piroctone olamine, salicylic acid, or ketoconazole, as they are known for their beneficial effects on the scalp.

3. Regular Scalp Massages

Scalp massages stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting circulation and enhancing the delivery of essential nutrients. If your patient prefers to massage their scalp while their conditioner is on in the shower, remind them to be gentle on their hair as it is at its weakest when wet so it can lead to breakage if they are too rough. Massaging the scalp for five minutes, twice a day will increase blood flow and can encourage hair growth.

4. Balanced Diet and Hydration

When it comes to diet and nutrition, protein, iron, and vitamin D are essential to good hair health.

Vitamin D: Many people are deficient in vitamin D as we tend to spend most of our time inside (especially in the UK) and if we do venture out when it’s sunny, we tend to cover up and stay in the shade to avoid burning which, affects our vitamin D intake.

Iron: Iron deficiency is the world’s most common nutritional deficiency and is a well-known cause of hair loss. Iron is crucial to our overall health. It aids the production of our red blood cells which carry oxygen around our body, including to hair follicles. A lack of iron can trigger a type of temporary hair loss known as Telogen Effluvium, characterised by increased shedding that often causes concern when more hair than usual is noticed in brushes or shower drains. Symptoms of iron deficiency include extreme tiredness, lack of energy, hair loss and pale skin. If your patient is suffering from these symptoms, I would recommend booking an appointment with their GP for blood tests to check iron levels, specifically, ferritin (iron storage) levels.

Protein: Up to 85% of hair is made up of protein. When you consume protein, your body will distribute it to the most essential parts of your body such as organs, muscles, and bone. Unfortunately, hair is classed as non-essential, so it only receives what is left after all the essential parts have taken what they need. That’s if there is anything left over! A high-protein diet will ensure that all your non-essential hair follicles receive enough protein to make hair stronger.

5. Stress Management

With life as it currently is, it’s hard not to be stressed. Encourage patients to partake in stress-relieving activities as stress can impact hormonal balance, which, in turn, affects scalp health and hair growth. Some tips my clients have found to be helpful are:

-Yoga -Meditation

-Regular exercise 

-Social media breaks 

-Going to bed earlier 


Scalp treatments for hair rejuvenation

• Hydrafacial Keravive: A unique, professional treatment designed to deep cleanse, stimulate scalp circulation, and deliver a proprietary blend of five growth factors to leave hair looking healthier and fuller.

• PRP/PRF: A simple and natural nonsurgical treatment that involves injecting the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) into their scalp, which naturally encourages the growth factors in their blood to stimulate hair growth.

• Meso-therapy for scalp: A ‘vitamin boost’ injection into the scalp that helps improve its blood circulation, meaning hair follicles are better nourished, which can improve hair regrowth. Dr Munir recommends Calecim to boost scalp health before or after hair surgery.


Engaging in proper scalp care not only fosters an optimal environment for hair growth but also provides several additional health benefits. A well-nourished and healthy scalp leads to stronger, shinier, and more manageable hair, while minimising issues such as dandruff, itchiness, and scalp infections, thereby enhancing comfort and confidence.

The undeniable connection between scalp health and hair growth emphasises the importance of not neglecting this crucial aspect of our physiology. Incorporating appropriate scalp care practices, such as regular cleansing, utilising scalp-friendly products, incorporating scalp massages, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, is essential for fostering healthy hair from its roots.

Taking a comprehensive approach to scalp health not only ensures the optimal condition of a patient’s hair but also contributes to their overall confidence and well-being. Recognising and nurturing the scalp serves as the cornerstone for maintaining a vibrant and flourishing head of hair in the realm of medical care. 

This article appears in the AMI Mag Feb-March 2024 Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India

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This article appears in the AMI Mag Feb-March 2024 Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India