A Brazilian tragedy calls for liposuction safety measures

A recent tragic incident involving Brazilian influencer Luana Andrade and liposuction has sparked conversations on how to reduce the risks associated with cosmetic surgeries. The tragedy shed light on potential complications, emphasising the importance of informed decisions and riskreduction strategies. Luana’s case, which involved multiple cardiac arrests during knee liposuction, raised concerns within the medical community. Sao Luiz Hospital reported complications leading to massive thrombosis, necessitating intensive care treatment.

While liposuction generally yields positive outcomes, it is crucial to acknowledge potential side effects: temporary swelling, Photo Courtesy: Instagram bruising, infections, and, in rare instances, serious complications like cardiac issues or thrombosis. Here are some essential measures that aesthetic plastic surgeons can make their prospective liposuction patients aware of. Selecting an experienced, certified surgeon and following pre-and post-operative instructions diligently. Use of compression garments, rest for recovery, proper hydration, and attending follow-up appointments for optimal healing and early complication detection. These steps aim to improve patient safety and outcomes in liposuction procedures. Medical professionals play a critical role in guiding patients through informed choices and risk mitigation strategies to ensure safe and effective cosmetic surgeries..

This article appears in the AMI Dec-Jan Edition Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India

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This article appears in the AMI Dec-Jan Edition Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India