2 mins


Dr SC Rajendran

“Energy values can be adjusted to target scars on the epidermis and subdermal layers.”

How do you determine the appropriate treatment parameters for laser therapy for scars, and what are some of the potential risks and complications associated with these treatments?

The parameters for laser therapy for scars are determined based on the type of scar – icepick scars, rolling scar, or boxcar scar. Since many patients are present with all types of scars in high fluence, 3-4 mm is used for various types of scars including ice-pick and rolling scars.

Tell us about the key benefits of picosecond lasers for treating scars, and how do these compare to other laser systems on the market?

The picosecond laser works by promoting collagenesis and skin tightening, which can improve the appearance of pores as well. Energy values can be adjusted to target scars on the epidermis and subdermal layers. Compared to other scar treatment options, the picosecond laser is associated with less pain, shorter recovery periods, and fewer sideeffects. This is due to its ability to specifically target the dermis while preserving the epidermis, which allows for faster healing and recovery.

How do you assess the severity and type of scars in your patients, and what factors do you consider when determining the appropriate laser treatment approach?

Acne Scars Subtype Clinical Features After treatment, it is recommended to gently wash the face with a mild cleanser and then apply a non-comedogenic moisturiser that contains ceramides and hyaluronic acid. For the first two days after the treatment, applying a mild corticosteroid, such as desowen, is advised. In some cases, patients may develop acne, in which case, topical antibiotics, such as norfloxacin, ozenoxacin, or clindamycin, can be used for two days. It is strongly advised to use sunscreen regularly. One week after the procedure, the patient can start using topical retinol and vitamin C serum, but stop using them one week before the next sitting.



Can you share a case study of a patient who received laser therapy for scars, including the treatment plan, results, and before and after image?

Goodman and Baron’s typical methodology outlines a grading scheme. Macular and mild atrophic scores receive less points under this system than moderate and severe atrophic scores (macular or mildly atrophic: 1 point; moderately atrophic: 2 points; punched out or linear-troughed severe scars: 3 points;

hyperplastic papular scars: 4 points). Fabbrocini G, Annunziata MC, D’Arco V, De Vita V, Lodi G, Mauriello MC, Pastore F, Monfrecola G. Acne scars: pathogenesis, classification and treatment. Dermatol Res Pract. 2010;2010:893080. doi: 10.1155/2010/893080. Epub 2010 Oct 14. PMID: 20981308; PMCID: PMC2958495.

What kind of post-treatment care do you recommend for patients who have been treated for scars, and how do you monitor their progress?

This article appears in the Feb-March - 2023 Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India

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This article appears in the Feb-March - 2023 Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India