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Treat with CARE

Dr Avinash Agrawal is the Director Partner at Acube Aesthetics Clinic, and the Chief Consultant Surgeon, Hair Restore at Dr Rajesh Rajput Clinic. He is also the Consultant Surgeon at Hair Tree Clinic (Kochi, Thrissur and Trivandrum). He is also the Master Trainer of Master Strokes by Tejcos in scalp micropigmentation and eyebrow blading and micropigmentation, and is the Ex Nu/hart hair transplant surgeon. Dr Agrawal elaborates on the ideal patients for hair transplantation and recent treatment advancements with Shriyal Sethumadhavan.

How do you view the acceptance and growing demand for hair transplantation among men?

Crowning glory as we say … men and the fascination with the fuller head of hair will and has been on the rise. There is a growing demand for hair care products and the need to repair and revive the lost hair. Today’s man has come a long way from use of minoxidil to low level laser light and newer mode like PRP and growth factor injection. To newer molecule in hair loss like redensyl, capixyl, procapil, apigenin, anagain and auxina, and to add the herbal range from brahmi, bhringraj, mulethi, ginger, onion extract, and rosemary oils. Your permanent and longlasting results are with hair transplantation.

They have realised the role of cyclical hair nutrition and hair growth need that lift in appearance which only hair transplant can provide. The advent of FUE follicular unit excision (extraction) and use of finer, more refined, instruments and machine have provided minimal scaring less visible to naked eyes and better graft (follicular unit) yield that can provide a dense and fuller head with hair. Body hair transplant has become like a cherry on cake for higher grades of hair loss body hair can provide much fuller density, provided it is available. More metrosexual men and younger population who suffer from balding are definitely attracted to permanent solution like hair transplant.

When would you recommend hair transplantation to your male patients?

All grades. From grades 3 and above can opt for hair transplant up to highest grades 7 who can take multiple session or do combination of traditional FUT/FUSS strip transfer and FUE method for higher yield (who fear cuts and stitched and liner scar mark can opt for added grafts from beard and chest for the fuller appearance. Here, I would like to o clarify hair transplant are about numbers of hair can’t compare with the natural density in youth.

It is a camouflage technique with hair over hair, which can make the scalp skin less visible and still have it covered when grown in length. To add to scalp, micropigmentation is an option for fuller cover as camouflage over donor area and planted area for pushing date for need of another transplant to add volume if hair loss treatment not continued.

Naturally, one loses approximately 10 per cent of hair in every decade of life even over the donor area. Hence, the best survival of the 100 per cent planted hair is 15 years and reduction after that every 5 years of 10 per cent of the planted hair as well.

How is the male pattern baldness different from the female pattern baldness?

Male pattern baldness is a patterned thinning and later balding that starts either with the receding of hair line temple or lateral hubs recession and dent in crown with both ends front and back meeting.

It can be graded with density that starts typically in the vertex and extends in peripherals or may have global thinning with Ludwig classification in thinning grade 1 to 3.

How do you approach your patient’s mindset, especially with bursting myths about hair transplantation?

Consultation of a hair loss patient is like a counselling session.

We discuss queries about how to meet the expectation and try to lower as much. Explain the pros and cons methods and what density, if any, can be achieved. Also, share many before after pictures which help them to identify as one among them but still warn of the outcomes which is subjective..

What are the recent advancements in hair transplantation techniques in men? What is your most preferred approach?

The hair loss industry, so to say, is ever growing and as machines has dominated humans so is robotic hair transplant is become popular. Powered FUE machine has advanced with vibration and oscillation that can provide least or minimum damage to the follicle during extraction process and so while implantation newer implantation device simpler and userfriendly with no to minimum learning curve. Simultaneously, implantation direct in pre-made slits/bio-FUE follicle dipped in PRP for better yield as survival time TOOB (time out of body). Physical and environment damage, user depended damage, casualties are least in today’s times.

My most preferred method is power FUE with pre-made slits and two forceps in plantation. Which is for most hair surgeons of my times when I began my hair transplant journey in Mumbai in 2009 as Nu/hart hair surgeon.

Hair transplant surgery for hair loss grade 5 & above FUET/FUSION a combination.

Every patient teaches you a new thing. ... Male, female or transgender – all will have specific requirements.

What could be the probable contraindications related to hair transplantation?

Alopecia and it is the kinds where the disease is progressive and need more medical attention and can be cured or controlled partially or fully. Alopecia areata/scarring alopecia/ophiasis/ retrograde balding absolute contraindicate on inflammation on scalp skin like eczema, psoriasis, excessive dandruff seborrheic dermatitis is relative contraindication.

What is the qualification required to be a hair transplant surgeon?

You need to be a ‘surgeon’ – first and final qualification. All surgical specialities that cover all aspects of surgery from anatomy to facial and scalp vasculature, anaesthesia with complication management and skill sets attained for the same doing hair restoration surgery with any advance training and/ or fellowship or done at least 120 cases have been performed personally under my observation for over six months or more.

Specialities include plastic surgery, general surgery, ENT surgeons, dermato-surgeons, oral surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, even MBBS with surgical training for at least six postconsecutive done in surgery are illegible for practice – as you asked, it is just my opinion.

What are the key factors you take into consideration while consultation?

Consultation is more of what the patient has expectation from you or what picture have they made of themselves as is what your aim should be to bring when to consensus with what is and not rather misguide them. Make the consulting a jolly one and not just educate them but learn from them. Every patient teaches you a new thing. Most important is the age. Their profession in which they would need the most. Male, female or transgender – all will have specific requirement. Hair line design is crucial. It is the framework to the face, soft and delicate hair line with maximum density will cover the maximum requirement. Styling post-growth is important too. Hair grooming and be their light stand strong with your patient advise them for hair care treatment, oil, spa hair mask to styling product and shampoo conditioners everything.

What would your advice be to hair transplant surgeons?

Slow and steady wins the race. Take it slow, do what is best in your scope and leave the rest to newer modalities of treatment accept and be willing always to learn new modalities and procedure and learn from legend and advice your peers. Work in unison and do not hesitate to ask for help when needed.

This article appears in the Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India

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This article appears in the Dec 2022 - Jan 2023 Issue of Aesthetic Medicine India